People don't read ads. They read what interests
them. And sometimes that's an ad.

My job is simple. It is to write copy that people want to read.

And it's taken writing nearly every day of the last 20 years for me to have mastered it. Because my job is also that difficult. Almost as difficult for an Englishman to hold up his hands and say, 'Hey, you know what, I'm pretty good at what I do.'

I'm also blessed because it's been challenging, stimulating and a lot of fun along the way. I've met some nice, and not so nice people and I've learnt that just about anything can be made to be engaging if you stay open-minded, ask the right questions and care about what you do.

I don't offer a 'house-style', as that won't work for you. After all it's not my job to make a client sound like me, but for me to sound like them.

That means taking the time to understand the values, personality and ethos of the company or brand (and yes, there is a difference) because only then can I create a written style and language that both best represents you and engages your audience.

Now, a quick mention about the clients I've chosen to show. It's not a complete list, not even close. They've been selected to bring a little bling to my site. To show you the kind of company I keep. To offer reassurance in my ability.

But behind them are many, many others; small brands and one-man bands, nervous start-ups and tech-heavy specialists, all of whom benefited from the same passion and professionalism I bring to every job.

If you need help discovering what your voice should be, you're in luck as I've created tone of voices for international companies, famous brands and dynamic start-ups.

Welcome, I look forward to working with you.

Oh, and in the off-chance I can't help you, there's an excellent one that I will be able to put you in touch with someone who can.

Simon Darwell-Taylor

+44 0 7956 510 120


As you would expect, after all this time dedicated to the written word, there’s not many formats I haven’t worked in.


Whether it’s a product or a service you want to sell, a viewpoint you want to get across, or an opportunity to connect and get closer to your audience, I will have already done something similar for a previous client.

Tone of Voice Development

I’ve been creating these for some years now and it’s become one of my most favourite jobs, as you get to go under the skin of a company, or a  brand, understand what it is the consumer or audience like about them and then blend it altogether to create a language style that is characterful and makes a real connection.

Some of the companies I have done this for include:


Websites are a perfect example of when the medium changes the fundamental structure of how you write.

It is as important to understand how, where and why people are engaging with your site.

DId you know that people will read more on their phone than they will on their computer screen? Or that there is a difference between web copy and web content?

No. Well that's fine, I do.

Social Media Content

Blogs | Newsletters | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Content has never been king. It is conversation that is king and we are talking more than ever before. The most critical role of content is to fuel those conversations.

From blogs to newsletters to running Facebook profiles, I offer a unique approach to social media campaigns, based in part on the structural disciplines applied to successful sitcoms and soap operas.

Strategic & Brand Propositions

Writing | Developing | Crafting
A niche area I’ve gained a lot of experience in has been working with brand owners, agencies, ideation companies and consultants to craft the precise articulation for these critical documents.

Brands, I have done this for include many of the brands owned by these companies.


As a full, voting member of BAFTA I have long been fascinated and inspired by the fundamentals of storytelling and what that can do for the

I am often called upon to polish an existing script for a commercial, craft a treatment for a director or consult on integrating storytelling into a brand.

Advertising Concepts

TV | Press | Radio
For a large part of life as a writer I worked at some of London’s finest ad agencies, picking up numerous awards for TV commercials, press ads, poster and radio along the way.

Having owned two agencies and headed up an international creative department as well as developing creative, I can also help create strategies and write briefs. Basically, I can be plugged in at the very point you need input the most.

Product Naming

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  once wrote a chap who knew a thing or two about writing.

But, William Shakespeare, can you be sure it would sell as well?

From companies to services to FMCG products, I’ve put a name to it.
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